Eye Protection at Home

Ninety percent of eye injuries can be prevented with appropriate eye protection.

Numerous individuals go about their everyday tasks unaware of the potential danger to their eyes. Surprisingly, half of all eye-related injuries happen within the confines of one’s home, suggesting a greater need for eye safety measures in domestic settings.

Routine actions, including preparing meals, tidying up, undertaking DIY projects, and gardening, can lead to eye damage, potentially causing short-term or irreversible impairment to one’s sight.

However, 78 percent of people report not wearing any type of protective eyewear while performing these tasks.

Optometrists advise that every home should possess at least one pair of safety glasses or goggles for use during tasks that could endanger eye health. These protective eyepieces are crafted from robust materials like polycarbonate or trivex, known for their impact resistance and durability, providing the necessary safeguarding against eye injuries.

Should you believe you’re experiencing an eye-related issue, it’s important to reach out to a nearby eye care professional who can assess and manage the condition effectively.

Research indicates that as many as 40 percent of eye injuries are the result of activities related to gardening or home renovation projects.

Safety warnings on lawnmowers and power tools are crucial reminders of the risks associated with using such equipment. Ensuring your safety is paramount when undertaking any project, especially those involving machinery.

Before starting your work, it’s essential to prioritize eye protection. Whether you’re cutting the grass or working on a DIY project, tiny particles like grass clippings, wood shavings, and other debris can become airborne at high velocities, posing a significant risk to your eyes. These particles can cause severe damage, potentially leading to loss of sight.

It’s equally critical to wear protective glasses when dealing with chemicals or cleaning agents. Despite seeming harmless, activities involving these substances lead to approximately 125,000 eye-related injuries annually due to exposure to toxic chemicals.

A large number of eye-related accidents can be avoided by adhering to safety practices, including the use of appropriate eye protection.

Eye Protection

The 6 do’s and don’ts of household chores


  • 1

    Always use protective eyewear, such as safety glasses or goggles, when using power tools to safeguard your eyes from potential harm.
  • 2

    Clear away debris like branches, pine cones, broken glass, or plastic fragments to prevent them from being launched into the air while you're lawn mowing or hedge trimming.
  • 3

    Ensure you carefully review the guidelines and safety precautions on all cleaning and chemical products before using them.
  • 4

    Employ protective glasses and gloves while working with chemical substances to safeguard yourself.
  • 5

    Make it a habit to wash your hands well after any use of cleaning agents or chemicals.
  • 6

    Maintain a set of safety goggles in your kitchen for eye protection against irritants like onions, garlic, and spicy peppers, especially since these can cause tears even without direct eye contact, highlighting the risks of inadvertently touching your eyes during food preparation.


  • 1

    Refrain from using power tools near children or individuals who aren't wearing protective gear.
  • 2

    Avoid starting any home renovation or garden maintenance tasks without wearing appropriate eye protection.
  • 3

    Ensure that hazardous substances, including cleaning agents, are stored beyond the accessibility of children.
  • 4

    Keep from touching your face or eyes when dealing with chemicals or cleaning agents.
  • 5

    Steer clear of combining different chemical products.
  • 6

    Resist the urge to touch your eyes with unclean hands.

Following these safety tips can significantly reduce your chances of sustaining an eye injury at home.

Practicing these guidelines regularly not only safeguards your sight but also serves as a valuable lesson to your children about the significance of protecting their eyes during everyday tasks.

Book a consultation with an optometrist for a thorough eye examination and to address any inquiries regarding the management of your eye health condition.